Saturday, October 16, 2010

Waking up from a nap

Jackson is usually a very happy waker-upper. We usually let him hang out there for a bit so he is comfortable being alone in his crib. One afternoon I took pictures of his face on the monitor as he woke up and Sam went to get him, just to prove it. I also love the way he looks on the monitor :) Here we go....

"Hello! I'm awake!" 
(Doesn't he look like a troll doll? Big eyes, tall hair, and wrinkly face)

"HELLO!!! Come get me!"

"Ok, I'm looking at the door because I know someone will be coming soon."

"Oh HI Daddy! I knew you would come get me."

Then they chatted for a bit and Sam kept the camera on him so I could watch him just be cute :)

LOVE this kid!!